Those Running 3.73 And a TF w/ LockUp.. What's your highway Driving Like?

Thatt thing got the beer-keg on it? Which would make it a 9/1 injected torque brute, lol.
By the math, that would be 1985 rpm, lol.
I'm sortof looking for one of those; an early boxy regular cab/2wd/swb, one, with a reasonable body, to transfer my HotRod 367 into, which won't die.
I had a '92, with a 5.2M/A518/3.91s; which I really loved, until it abandoned me. She wrecked herself with me in it, on black-ice. had a new posi in it too, lol. I sort miss her.
if it weren't for the absolutely asinine smog laws here in cali, i'd be rocking a late 80's early 90's dakota cab and 1/2 eight ways from sunday.

love those boxy boys!