Going Rounds in Stock at Winternationals

=Class racers have be-itched and moaned for as long as I remember but keep kissing NHRA’s azz. It’s laughable at what you guys put up with to run for peanuts and pay high entry and insurance fees. Those that have wized up and chased big money events have done pretty good. You guys are fill-ins and they will run you exactly when they need to so the show goes on. You probably won’t admit it but it’s the truth.
I am not bitching at all = Just explaining to those that do not follow it.
I race class because that is what our family has done for a long time and
even myself for 60 years.

It is where nearly all my friends in the world are participating in and I
would never see them otherwise as they are from all over the country.
I live in a quiet small desert town in a different state that I was raised in
and have a very solitary life playing with my Grandkids.

It would not matter to me if there was no purse at all or even a trophy
(Even though I am proud of our 50+ Wallys on the shelf) to win. My Grandson
who races Juniors is the fourth generation of our family to go down the 1/4
mile. It is our family's legacy and my connection the my father and brother who
have passed away years ago.

For a number of years (Back when I was a very good racer and raced much more)
I gave every penny that we won (I raced much more then and won way more)
to Racers for Christ Organization. Now we do not win enough to make any difference.

One year I told my friends that we made $30,000.00 = But it cost us $100,000.00++
to do so.

I just thought the information would be of interest to those that might have still thought that you could make a living racing. Those day are surely long gone for the vast majority who will never make a living racing or even come near breaking close to even.