zinc oil useage?

I have done a LOT of research on the net about Zinc. Watched a 1 hr video by Lake Speed jr. I could not find any mention, ANYWHERE, of zinc causing a power loss & certainly not being a 'power eater' [ Newbomb Turk's words, not mine ].
The Penrite Oils web site has a 3 page technical paper on Zinc Myths & Legends. It talks about zinc providing a glass like protective film. Push a piece of steel across a glass plate & then push the same steel piece across a sheet of emery. Which one do you think absorbs more 'power'?

If zinc really did cost power, it would be a hot topic everywhere.....not just in one person's head.

And then there is common sense......

1000ppm is a common proportion of zinc that is added to oil [ sometimes more, sometimes less ]. That is 0.1% of the fill. Not 1%, not 10%, 0.1%!!!
Do you really think that 0.1% of anything in oil is going to be a 'power eater'????