76 breaks problem

Something I misses...

(but thanks michiganpat for the note about 7 1/4 cover and tube change in the later years)

The 8 1/4 uses internal C clips no bearing retainer (From Ebay)

Older 7 1/4 use traditional bearing retainer (from OP)

I was wondering it someone swapped a ford 7.5" out of a Grenada into it,

(also very interesting about your 3.31 note)

in looking at this site it looks like all the ford photos do not have a drain plug on any of their rear covers

Bad Shoe Productions How To Video Series - Ford Transmissions & Rears

Just noticed something else...

on 68 and older backing plates there are no tabs to either side of the wheel cylinder. The OPs backing plates also do not have the tabs. Could this rear be a 7 1/4 from a B, C, E or truck? Did any 7 1/4 have 1/2 inch wheel studs in 68 and older?


I love a good mystery!