76 breaks problem

I have a theory...

The backing plates are 68 and older B,C body 10x2.5?
The hardware and the backing plates match pre 69 parts
The rear seems to be a 76 7 1/4 with 1/2 inch studs, 5x4.5 bolt pattern and the large center register.

Dr Frankenstein would be proud


Car is a 76 /6 which got 7 1/4 but with BBP
Mechanic states the old shoes are 10x1.75 simple measurement. A lot of difference between 1.75 and 2.5 I doubt he mis-measured

67-68 10x1.75 backing plate (8 3/4)

OPs backing plate

69 - 76 Automatic adjuster cable

OPs automatic adjuster cable (pre 69)


10x1.75 69 up backing plate (8 3/4), the spacing is tiny

7 1/4 is deeper

OPs backing plate, the spacing is huge compared to 1.75 (8 3/4), easily 1/2 of an inch more


So my theory...

The backing plates MIGHT be correct for 10x2.5 brakes only a test fit or some measurements will know for sure.
(edit: well that theory is proved wrong, backing plates and shoes are 10x1.75)
The backing plates and hardware came off a 68 and older rear
(edit: I still hold that theory)
Somewhere along the way someone put 10x1.75 shoes on (how they fit is a mystery to me, The shoes being narrower would not interfere so in theory it could work)
(edit: proved wrong again!)

I believe the OP needs to go to a local auto parts store and buy 10x2.5 rear drums for a 76 Dart /6 rather then ordering them. Taking the old drum that fits the hub and the studs and the backing plate along for size.

This can also be done to determine what drum the backing plate fit


