73 Duster build named Fred

Well, I’m calling it a night. I spent way too much time looking for **** that was in plain sight. First it was a fresh tube of right stuff so I made a run to the parts store. Then I couldn’t find the carb studs so I threw on the shitty spare I had, then I couldn’t find the collector gaskets and while looking for them, I found the carb studs so I stopped looking for the collector gaskets and swapped out the carb studs. Then I went back to looking for the collector gaskets and finally found them. They were sitting under the fresh tube of right stuff I couldn’t find earlier. Got the exhaust buttoned up, installed the valve covers and now all I have left to do is install plugs, wires and hook up the fuel line to the carb and I’m done. It’s too late to go for a drive so I decided to weigh the car instead. I’ll throw plugs in tomorrow morning and go for a drive.
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Great job dude, still amused ! Lol