How do I get the ash tray to stay closed?
Seriously. There doesn't seem to be any latch and it just flops open. Even has the original lighter! I quit smoking years ago, so won't do me much good, but short of JB Weld is there a way to get it to stay shut? I figured out how to activate the wipers, by accident, earlier this week, so hoping there is some obvious trick to this. The previous owner seems to have not been a smoker, either, there is no residue. The rear ashtray is also intact, but stays closed by itself.
I do remember a day when EVERYBODY smoked EVERYWHERE, in the line at the bank, in the teacher's lounge. Hospital break rooms, but they had banned smoking patient rooms some years earlier, probably because of oxygen fires. Banks used to give out not pens, but books of matches printed with, "For our matchless customers." Opening an account for the astonishing sum of $50 you might get a toaster.
I just noticed, what is that grate thing on the left? For tapping the ash tip? The little U shaped thing probably to hold the cigarette.
Overall, I'm trying to keep the resto as close to original as practical.