Sheer Panic--No Brakes!
We have a younger friend that is our local beer attendant. Ruby is her real name and her mother Elaine was a close personal friend of ours. Her mother was also a beer attendant for roughly 40 years before we lost her a few years back. Also an incredibly talented painter. Anywho we always try and help or look out for Ruby as she was young when she lost her mom. So one afternoon we had the Coronet R/T out for an afternoon bar crawl and Ruby was just coming off shift. She asked us to take her for a nice country cruise to L'erable so I told her we could do one better. You can drive us Ruby. So she climbed in the driver's side and looked at that tall Inland shifter and then at the floor and had a perplexed look on her face. I asked what is wrong Ruby and she looked at me and with a straight face and replied..."There are 3 pedals in this car" LOL so I drove to L'erable...