I just finished my '69 Road Runner buckets. I had my seat frames sandblasted, they were pretty gnarly. Repainted. The seat tracks were junk, and one set was from another mfr, lucky they reproduce them. Bought new molded seat foam, couldn't get the seat back covers over the new foam on the backs, bottoms were easy. So sprayed the old top foam with some disinfectant and reused it. Two listing wires bottom, two top. They are not difficult if you are using your old foam. I don't know how far you are going with materials, new or reusing your old internals. Turn your new seat cover inside out, listing wires into their envelopes, push the wires down through the slot in the foam and hog ring it in three places to the lower list wire attached to the seat springs. I use real hog rings and real hog ring pliers. Your going to use several, you will make mistakes. Farm stores carry the ring for about $4.00 per 100. If your spring are a little saggy, you can ty them together with tyraps. Legendary's video is helpful, but they are not with you to help! Sometimes you can sacrifice a plastic bag to help get a seat cover on. Document taking your seat apart.