I think i broke rear main bearing


Unless you have access to stuff to do the job differently which is nigh on impossible today without unobtainable or maybe custom bearings, a pile of main caps and a dogged determination to find the right one

i was just illustrating that there are other ways

cap off a different block, then all caps ground at the mounting face to make them too short.
in bad cases they may do the block faces as well. but that moves the crank up....

Then bolted up and bored to align the lot at a slight undersize
then honed to size within tolerances listed in the manual.
the set up of the boring bar and hone is the expensive bit. the kit costs a lot also
the longer the engine and the bigger the bore the fewer choices of shop you have (only 1 place in the UK that i know of with kit do do a straight 8 for example)

find someone who is getting one done and share the cost

the actual machining job doesn't take long
