273 Commando - UTG

If he is, likely just a viewer. He would need a thick skin to tolerate the abuse he takes from other "experts" here. I like his youtubes and learn a lot, but many people are offended by anyone treading in their playground. Be careful what tech opinions you express here, especially anything about racing or slant-six engines. But, not as bad as fusses on sites about military history or gun tech. Those playgrounds have a tough crowd which is easily offended. I
You're probably right. On another mopar forum one member called him an "ignorant,arrogant mopar version of Scotty Kilmer" and claimed he'd knock him out if he ever saw him in person because he got into an argument with him on youtube over something he was wrong about. I've only seen a couple of his videos years ago,so I don't know much about him,but he seems to rub a lot of folks the wrong way. Theres something about internet forums that seems to bring out the best in people. Lol