Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

A few months ago a well known small block head porter asked if anyone had a W5 head he could play with. Plan are to copy the W5 head and make some improvements. One of our members loaned him one and the project has began. Since I’m sure “Mother Mopar” had a patient on this what are our thoughts on this??? Everyone I’ve heard from has been excited about this deal but listening to so of our members over the last week have me scratching my head. Is it ok for one and not the other???

We all get it. You have some fear that if china doesn’t make it we won’t have it.

If you knew the losses every year from stolen technology by the Chinese and other rogue entities you’d be singing a different tune.

The costs of policing your business to at least slow down the theft is staggering.

It’s not just automotive things either. It’s virtually every single thing manufactured here, including tooling, fixtures, processes and who knows what else.

I know the Chinese were stealing technology to produce something as mundane as rebar. A company had developed some new process or something and they could produce rebar cheaper, better and faster.

They put a huge dent in Chinese imports of rebar but it was something crazy like 6 months after they had it all sorted out the Chinese had most of it figured out.

They traced the leak back to a truck driver. He was taking pictures and somehow he was getting his hands on the bars at different phases of testing. They said that allowed them to copy the metallurgy.

So any time you went on the property you had to check your cellphone and they would pat you down to make sure there was no monkey business going on.

That’s just one example of what happens every day on every level.

Defending Chinese theft because we don’t make **** here is cutting off your own nose to spits your face.