Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

Complete lack of oversight and quality control.
lack of ethics and integrity also...not knowing right from wrong etc. Its everywhere today, no accountability etc.

Not to get toof ar into it but China has been ripping off bfrand name guitar manufacturers for years let use Gibson Les paul for example. Then some guy in the USA buys one for $400 then brags about it on Youtube showing it off "look I bought a Chibson for $ 400" no one gets it the damage it caused buying counterfeit products. These people arent kids either old enough to know better etc. Problem arises when the guy buys the $400 Gibson fake sells it for 2 or 3 grand as a real les Paul made in Kalamazoo Michigan to some poor dumb guy or gal that has saved up for a few years for a les paul...yes it happens in the USA... it gets to be where you have to be an expert in identifying car parts and or eye...:)