Is it ok to copy a W5 head and make it better or are we just mad at Speedmaster

Made in usa dishwasher, made in usa dishes (old buffalo china) made in usa washer and dryer, made in usa faucets, made in usa or bought used made in usa lawn equipment at estate sales or local small engine shops, USA tires (coopers), USA gasoline, I don't have wall to wall carpets and my house is over 200 years old so my floors ain't Chinese

I don't know where it was made, it's old, but if that's the piece of Chinese equipment that makes me a hypocrite, then that's a pretty big reach.

God forbid someone try to live a life that economically supports their own countrymen before supporting foreigners :rolleyes:

If the argument is "you can't buy 100% American made, only 90%, so that makes you just like the guy who buys 25% American" then that's a pretty silly argument

Sorry I’ll call bull crap on this. Have you ever bought anything from Harbor freight.