New Mopar Owner Here - 1972 Duster

Nice! Welcome to the Madness! It's good to start em' young!
My second youngest of 4 sons in 2015. Back when my Duster was yellow.
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That's so awesome! Starting them young is the only chance this hobby has of staying alive. It feels so good to see their faces when they see or hear the cars. Hearing my daughter yell to me from the back seat of the mustang, "Daddy your car is so much fun!" made my year! Obviously the restoration is fun for me, but seeing her reaction to the purchase was priceless! Grandpa stepping up and getting to see the smile he brought to her face was heartwarming for him too. My dad loves that little one and he knows he's the one who started all this car stuff with me. We've had three generations' hands on the mustang, time to start that process on this one now.