18" Wheel help

If you have a set of wheels that you really, really want then the thing to do is to buy them. And then you can make the car fit the wheels. The rear end housing can be narrowed to tuck the wheels just where you want them and up front you can build a custom hub to move things around. I used to make custom hubs all the time back in the days when I was playing with different brake kits. Once you figure it out it is easy. Just takes a big lathe and a little bit of time.

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I completely agree that sometimes you have to find ways to make things work. And sometimes we get tunnel vision and forget to look for other solutions. So wise words.

But in this case, I think that is an extreme solution. As I understand it, the OP doesn't want to run custom brakes (required with a custom hub), and there is an easy to source 8" wheel that should work fine for him and has the look he wants. The only issue is the rear, and there are easy solutions there as long as he is willing to let go of his stock housing.