18" Wheel help

Thank you all for the replys, I was hoping to keep the rear end stock and just put a nice set of wheels/tires on, lol
I see that is harder than anticipated. I am not much of a fabricator so i was hoping i didn't have to relocate any brackets/mounts etc.
I guess i may have to do more research and see if maybe moving the springs is the answer.

I'll keep searching and i'm sure i'll figure something out.

Thanks again for the help! Great group of guys on this forum!
Nobody has ever stepped up to the plate with Mopar specific wheels so what you are asking for isn't going to happen. If you want big, late model wheels on a Mopar muscle car you have to work the angles that people in this thread are telling you about. You can do a square setup with 17x8 Mustang rims. Maybe one size bigger than that but even then you'll need to trim some sheetmetal depending on make and model and ride height.

Moving the rear springs in, playing with axle width and playing around with the front brake setup opens up some other options but there are not "bolt on" solutions for Mopars like there are for Mustangs or Vettes or 911s. Those guys have a ton of cool choices for wheels.