Last one to post in this thread wins!

WOW is the only thing I can say about yesterday, it was beautiful and much needed.
I called the tranny shop and he said bring the car down and I'll have the shop empty and you can drive it in and up on the hoist. The shop is spotless BTW. So he asked me to open the hood and then I left. He called me a hour later and said there were 4 leaks and might be finished tomorrow. They want to leave it overnight and check for any more leakage.
My dear wife cut the grass in the afternoon, I did some but she said you're in a lot of pain aren't so she finished it off.
The back half of the backyard hadn't been cut yet because of the lake we had so it was really long and ate a lot of battery up. It has to be recharged and finish it off. Normally I can cut the whole yard and still have a fair amount left in the battery.
I'll say one thing that long grass was no match for the mower but it did eat up the battery.
I've thought about another battery for a spare but don't really need it especially at over 300 bucks for a new one.
Almost a repeat today with the weather. Of course rain all weekend and you guest it all sun Monday and Tuesday.
Have a great weekend guys
Do you have a Battery Man franchise in your area? A lot less expensive than OEM.