Looking for a Rallye dash for my '72 dodge demon

hello folks,

i am inquiring about a few parts but they are mostly all within the Rallye dash category. Does anyone have a dash Rallye frame non AC A body car?

Does anyone have the gauges/cluster housing/ circuit boards/ speedometer device for the rallye dash?

I am trying to convert my dash from my 72 demon into a Rallye Dash but seeing peoples ideas of cutting a non rallye dash to convert into a rallye dash seems interesting but my problem is fining certain parts to complete it. So i am researching parts and prices.
  1. The dash cluster face is available new ,
  2. the glass pieces are also available (but expensive),
  3. Gauges (i haven't found them new/reproduced yet unless someone has a website i dont know about),
  4. the cluster housing (i haven't seen one new yet besides the used one on eBay right now)
  5. circuit boards i can get them new since they are reproduce unless its cheaper somewhere else
  6. heater controls - I haven't found this yet
  7. radio - i haven't researched if the stock non rallye radio works with this
  8. i not sure if i forgot any other parts
I have a long way to go with the car from being finish BUT if i can acquire some of the main parts to easily convert to a Ralley dash i would. So if anyone has extras they dont need or want to shoot me a price and i will get back to you. I am looking for options / seeing what i can fish up from the interwebs.

I dont sign in to much like i use to on here in forabodiesonly/forbbodiesonly, so please forgive me for replying late.

I am located in New york