I Need Engine Experts! 340 Roller Lifter and Pushrod Issue

I'm certainly not looking to start a fight over hydraulic vs. solid. I like solid lifter cams and for real performance I think they are the way to go.

However, saying that every race track would disagree isn't applicable here. This is not a race car, it is a street driven cruiser. For example, every track would prefer a high stall torque converter too but it would suck on the highway with overdrive like this car has. It was built for cruising and reliability. For this application, for this owner, the hydraulic seemed like a better choice.

Having said that, knowing what I now know, I would never build another with 1.5 rockers, and I WOULD put a solid roller in it. But that's me, and not this owner.

I think it'll still run ok...
I think it'll run fine. My comment was simply saying IMO, you could kill two birds with one stone by going solid. You would certainly be able to go to the shorter lifter and THAT cannot be argued. Either way, please keep us in the loop. It's a nice project, regardless of lifter type.