This photographer from pittsburgh is awesome

Forecast looked good for a decent sunrise this morning so I headed into the city early. My first couple of spots didn't really work out and I ended up at the incline, which couldn't have been any better.

I originally thought that below the Duquesne Incline, along the banks of the Ohio River, would be a great spot for sunrise. The sun is rising right up the Allegheny River (on the left) from there, but as you can see from this shot, the water was pretty choppy.

I headed down (or dahn) to the West End Bridge but it was the same story. Choppy water and no reflections. So I headed up to Mt. Washington as sunrise was fast approaching to find the incline closed. Crap. Drove a little further down Grandview and ran into my buddy Dustin McGrew Photography. Shot a few frames from there and then decided to check out the incline again.

Luckily this time it was open, and someone rode the incline during the peak of the color. Made for the perfect springtime sunrise.

Portfolio - 2024 Eclipse prints
DaveDiCello <--- matted prints and note cards
Portfolio <--- Entire portfolio
DaveDiCello <--- Ornaments, triptychs, coasters
Blog 2 — dave dicello <-- blog <-- YouTube channel
