360 vs 383

I think the last year for the 383/335 was 1970. By 1971 Chrysler dropped it to an advertised 8.7:1 comp ratio, and was rated at 300 gross/250 net horsepower. Makes sense that a heavier car, with less gear and just 5 extra horsepower is the slower of the two. Converter stall also plays a role here. A smog 383 with a 11.75" converter doesn't seem like a combo that would launch better than a smog 360 with the smaller 10.75". But....... This doesn't completely account for the huge difference in ET.

I would say the driver and tune play the biggest role in the ET/mph discrepancy. An inferior driver in a car that still needs bugs figured out is the only explanation for a full 2 seconds and 10mph difference at the finish line.

I don't think this makes a case for 383 being doorstops.
Didn’t realize that the ‘71 383 was detuned that much. I apologize to all for posting incorrect info, makes the comparison a little more skewed. If the engine in that Challenger was truly built to factory ‘71 specs that would definitely account for the lower performance.

It also would make sense the converter was detuned to match.