Stock Market

I kinda think it's all related in a way.
Companies becoming more cost effective.
Lotta small marginal companies counted on running on a line of Credit, to pay bills, etc, wages, etc.
The butcher, baker, - candlestick maker all had thousands $$$ at their disposal.
I did, all my businesses since interest were low, cost near nothing in interest.
Now when interest rates went up 5+% in a fkn yr, many, Incuding me had a $200k credit line costing $375 a month in interest, that I had in a Fund in the same Bank paying me $800 a month.
That changed to over $1100 interest payment for $800 income.
Every business faced those same crazy increases in loan payments.
Credit lines closed, marginal business closed.

An interesting thing I learned today is the middle/upper $$$ folk having lotsa money in the bank are now making mega $$$ from the interest on their funds, unexpectedly, and they are spending large, thus spurring on the economy .

If you think consumer prices should go down to what it was 4 yrs ago,

Give your head a shake .
You can't increase the min wage (n)% , then EVERYONE in the wage chain gets their (n)% and expect everything to go back to before the wage increase.
Sure everything costs more, but whatever your income source, you most likely are making more too, if not you need to talk to your employer, union, fund manager .
Reality is a ***** .

We still have the best economy in the world, despite what some will try to convince you .
Fact check some of these figures being flung around.
Cheers .