Vapor lock- additive?

With all the talk on utube and on here and other sites about vapor lock. Now the info about how the fuel is separating into parts and evaporation is taking place due to the new fuel has no additives to prevent the lighter or easily boiled off parts from happening since new cars are closed systems.

My question is: is there an additive that prevents this evaporation from happening? I’m being told that some fuel is evaporating in less then 2-3 days and what’s left in the tank is not enough to start the car, this is causing hard starting, runs like garbage and vapor lock.

Now you either have experienced vapor lock or you have not. If you have, it stinks, but adding a return line and a 3 nipple filter may be the way - thanks to UTG and DDG for that info… but is there anything you can buy to add to the fuel at fill up to slow down this process?
Not that I have heard of. Most of the issues are fuel percolating and hot soak. Not many of our cars run like crap and stall because of vapor lock.