Star Fire Coolant

What’s that have to do with the price of rice in china and water is used in your coolant? You do know tap water should not be used as the promotes electrolysis and rust…
Someone mentioned that since I didn't know about some water that's used in bottling companies and since I didn't know they said that I must have just crawled from under a rock. So I thought that I would mention something about transformers. As far as tap water that's all I used for years and I never had a problem with any of my car's cooling systems.I don't mean to be rude to you or anyone else but I get tired of the rude and disrespectful comments that are said to me. I may not have 2 or 3 car's , I may not have several projects going on but that doesn't mean that I don't have knowledge about car's. Maybe you guys are jealous that it might be possible that someone else knows as much or more than you guys do. I know that I'm not always right and I admit that.