A body 73 and up vs 72 and older front track width questions.

So after doing some more research, it seems if I have a 10" drum spindle the Willwood brakes will offset my factory drum trackwidth to +.20 if I have a 9" drum spindle it will off set my factory track width to -.08 so I learned that not all pre 73 spindles are created equal, I don't know if a 9" spindle car has the exact front track width is a 10" spindle car, or if a 9" drum spindle is longer. I have a set of 10" and can take measurements if somone has a set of 9" we can compare. I believe the 9" were factory on /6 cars

The difference in the track widths listed by Wilwood are not due to the spindles, they’re because the Wilwood hub and brake arrangements for the 9” and 10” drum spindles are different. The factory track widths for the 9” and 10” spindles/brakes is the same. The 9” drums use smaller wheel bearings, so, different hub needed for the conversion.

Keep in mind that the offset from stock is compared to the original track width, so both of those kits would be narrower than the 73+ Mopar brakes.

But again, the height of your tire is the biggest issue, not the track width.