Stock Market

Frustrated... Transferring cash from Fidelity to Robinhood is like pulling teeth.Too many days in between.
ISUN; a 2+yr old stock purchase that pooped when Joe was placed in office. Was trading Nasdac and now moved to OTC for price non compliance, under $1.00 for way too long. My plan is to average in around 0.12c and sell around 0.17c. Now the waiting begins.


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Back in the 80's my wife's grandmother had ten $10,000 cd's @18% ayp.
That whole Robinhood deal brought attention to the market to million of youngens that had never traded.
That and alogorythmic(?) trading has added so much volatility and range of movement has actually improved chance of profits, and the new softwares have made safety/mitigation, when used properly, has greatly improved profits.

My second mortgage in 1972 was very near 18% ..