69 barracuda convertible has no dash lights or inside lights when you open the door

The '69 FSM wiring diagram shows L8 as stop and tail. That labelling is not correct. L8 goes directly to the B2 terminal on the headlight switch. It powers the parking and tail lights, and through the subcircuit starting at the reohstat the instramentation and radio lamp.
Stop (brake) lights are powered by wire D31, which also powers the hazards.

Now that error ib labelling has been pointed out, I'm not 100% sure if '69 has a dome light power (wire M1) begin at the fuse as the brake light power (wire D31).
If so, that's a change from '67. I owuld trust the owners manual and the labelling on the fusebox.

It's important because we want to identify what the non-working cirucits have in common.
In '67 and I think '68, dome light feed is spliced in at the end of wire L8 (connection at the B2 terminal on the headlight switch)

But the '69 Diagram