Getting fed up of high-perf , being happy with less

I just can't seem to get mine on the road, let alone be somewhat reliable. I started building it with the intent on strong performance, but not a racer, yet reliable enough to road trip occasionally. Right now I'd be tickled just to be able to take it to one of this weekend s car shows.
Got it out yesterday, might need some shifter cable adjustments (probably more), but just crawled under it and found a little bit of motor oil right under the bellhousing, and another drip forming.
Front of bell cover and oil pan is clean. Going to check the oil sender up top with my fingers crossed.

But, F-me, I'm tired of working on it, my wife complaining about me spending more time in the garage than with her, and people at work razzing me about lying about building a car, and going to car shows/cruises and saying maybe in a month or two, or next year.