knowing how to fix a screen and having the roller is a good thing with a kitty in the house...I'd use aluminum screen if it would fit the channel. may have to use a smaller spline.
i contemplated alum screen, but i couldn't find any the first time they busted out the billion year old unit so i settled for whatever passed for super heavy duty. it's held up well thus far.
i didn't have to replace it, just "reset it" because they like to lean and flop against the screen and it blew the spline out. then houdini there figured out how to ease out the rest of the bottom and shawshank'd his way out.
i deployed countermeasures and now it's a little more "minimum security prison". two straps of thin plumbers tape across the frame for where they tend to bump and lean on. secured with tek screws from the outside. we'll see how the testing goes...