Did the 1979 Lil Red Express come with an air pump?

I agree with Mr. Lusk as well. I thought the truck exhaust manifolds were drilled and tapped for the metal pump tubes. There was a small cover for the hole in said manifolds, with a gasket (I have one), when not used for an air pump IIRC.
I didn't pay much attention to an engine after it was hoisted and deposited on the engine conveyor at Dodge Truck in 1979. We did go down to the "rolls" or "roll off" and watch them drive some LRT's off the Main (Light) Line. There were two lines and engines were still in Main Building at that time. Those engines, (EH1 code), weren't even stored under the engine bay hoist, because we generally only had 24 on hand. They were stored very near the engine staging area though, on the West side of the motor dock. So if a 300 (part no.) came across broadcast, Joe or Don (the build sheet separating guy) would alert me or the hi-lo drivers, and we would get a rack under the hoist area. Usually, scheduling would send a few, spaced out.
Engines were categorized as Federal, Canada, California, and Export on my sheets. I was responsible for making certain the correct engine was available for a truck, if it was in house and that included trucks in the bullpen and later, rail cars from Toluca Engine. Kinda foggy, only 45 years ago.
I gotta go look, get a pic of my California 1980 W150 emissions sticker now.