74 Duster Fusible Link
Hello everyone,
My name is Jimmy and I have a 74 Plymouth Duster and i'm having some issues with the fusible link smoking , burning up. From some of the videos on you tube and threads that i have read there seems to be am amp meter issues. Not counting the fusible link that was in the car when I bought it, 2 fusible links that i have replaced in the last 2 weeks have burnt up. I disconnected the wires on the amp meter from behind the cluster and used a nut and a bolt to connect them back together with electrical tape, found that info on a electrical web site called MAD enterprises. I also installed a new Valiant Scamp Duster Motor Fusible Link Wire Harness Plug just incase and after connecting it all 2 different times, the fusible link still smoked out. I also bought a starter relay motor but have not put that in as yet. Just ordered another fusible link from Classic Industries and waiting for it to arrive. I'm lost and could really use any help to figure this out. I thank everyone that takes the time to help me out with this issue and I hope I'm explaining all the right. Thank you again