72 duster resto

man, that sucks.

i know it's hard but try and go in with a positive attitude and work toward a solution. getting puffed up and name calling don't do nobody no good, and if somebody feels badgered into the work they might do a quick-n-dirty half *** job just to get somebody off their sack.

you're kinda in a fucko situation, if you wanna just grab your stuff and he's started on it you'll need to square up the tab which is an odd place to be. but there's also the consideration that a lot of machine shops don't like sloppy seconds. and if they will take the work in, expect to pay again for *waves hand vaugely* this or that or whatever.

but on the other hand, if he hasn't done nuthin' on nuthin' then get your money, scoop your **** and split. if he's just like, tanked and mag'd the parts then i'd pay for that and truck my junk elsewhere.

sorry you're having to go thru this and let us know how it turns out.