Cost for labor on stroker build?

if the motor is in good condition why not throw a cam at it and maybe do some heads or work a little love on the stock units?

if you don't have a converter and gears, that would be another area to upgrade. and while i wouldn't say that stuff is cheap, it's an alternative to dropping massive coin.

you could probably do all that for about 1/2 of what a stroker would run (if you're swinging the wrenches yourself)
x2 on this.

I had a bad knock that took some investigation. At first I thought it was piston slap… so then I thought about building a bore and stroke motor. But it ended up being loose flex plate bolts.

Nonetheless the block is still very healthy, i wouldn’t bore it out unless I had to.

I also plan on doing a gear and converter upgrade soon. Not too well versed in the converter realm so will have to look into that.