Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

So... once I have the duration I'm assuming that number is the off the seat number?

What if the spec of cams to choose from only have the advertised duration at .050 tappet lift?
Umm this might be wrong lol

Say you want an 50 degree overlap advertised and 4 degrees @ 0.050" with a 105 lsa, I'm sure you just add half of overlap to lsa and x 2 for duration.

50/2 = 25 + 105 x 2 = 260 advertised and 4/2 = 2 +105 x 2 = 214 @ 0.050"

Edit* just 2 x lsa + overlap = duration guess is easier :) eg.. 2 x 105 + 50 = 260, 2 x 105 + 4 =214.

And if you want a split cam both have to add up to total duration of both intake and exhaust of a single pattern eg.. 520 (2x260) eg.. so 256/264 on 105 lsa etc..

Pretty sure that's right, maybe someone will verify :)