Intermediate Shaft Wear

Well, the verdict is in. Pulled a valve cover and wiped the rail with my finger onto a blue towel. If you look closely you'll see the small brass "sacrifice". Time to pull the engine.

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Yeah, that’s not good.

It’s hard to see in the picture but that almost looks like a sintered bronze or oilite bushing material.

Not saying it is because it may be the picture but usually brass doesn’t make chips like that.

At least not the brass they use for those gears.

If this is a hydraulic roller, I used to order what was called a SADI core.

It was a steel cam but the distributor drive gear was cast iron and it was pressed on.

Then you just ran a regular drive. Maybe they don’t make them any more because it’s probably cheaper to use a melonized gear.

Either was a better option than the brass drive.