Time to start the build up

Not a big update but it's a step I always dread. General cleanup and prep for painting the block. Historically I have pressure washed and scrubbed with soapy water, but this time I did things a bit different. I got a bunch of brake cleaner to get things initially cleaned up, then used a solvent sprayer to finish cleaning and blowing everything out. I have to say I think this is the best approach. No worries about flash rusting of machined surfaces. Taped up the key machined surfaces once dried. I'll put the oil pan on for painting.

Noteworthy how much stuff comes out when you use a set of engine cleaning brushes. You can see all the crud that came out in the drip pans below.

Initial after brake cleaner:


The solvent sprayer I used. Worth every penny.


Block taped up and ready for painting:


