looking for KKS radiator reviews

Even though Cold Case is an advertiser here, I'll never use them. I tried posting on this site, tried the website, the phone number to no avail. They claimed on this site to want to support us, but I don't see it. I went to another manufacturer and bought their radiator. If Cold Case doesn't want business, I think they should be taken off of the site.
Sorry to hear you are so upset you want us removed from the community. Going back 2 years in my messages and I don't see anything from you. I've personally provided technical information in dozens of topics on this forum. I've also successfully given dozens of members special pricing on radiators. Not even close to breaking even for how much we spend to be an advertiser but the goal was to support the Mopar community and gain your trust. I guess it kind of back fired with you. Any reason why you wouldn't reach out to us here on the forums where we're advertising?