273 Commando - UTG

There's scuttlebutt that he bought his subs. YT apparently is looking into people who have fake bought subs. But I'm not 100% on that its hearsay. If you Google "buy yt subs " links will pop up...Uncle Tony is a clown though his recent video a guy drives 3/4 way across the country to race him and his car never leaves the line...something broke, how convenient but I say only a total nincompoop drives 5000 miles round trip to not even race...and Uncle Tony's fans say in the comments " oh it was great you guys did good" yada yada yada...Uncle Tonys drag race videos are way too predictable if you ask me...its just him in his POS Valiant doing a burnout and going Sssslllllooooooowwwwww ...:thumbsup: