Searching for 12v switched power after ditching ballast and installing aftermarket electronic ignition

To add a little bit, this is not magic, and I AM NOT FAMILIAR with Aspens

NORMALLY, in the older cars covered by this board, the IGNITION SWITCH is the key to it all

IGN1 is hot ONLY in run and goes COLD in "start."

The start voltage is provided by the brown / bypass circuit that comes from IGN2 If the Aspen has this, you can tie them together for aftermarket ignitions. If you are using ANY ignition that uses a BALLAST, the brown goes to the coil + side of the ballast

THERE ARE a couple/ 3/ 4 ways around this IF you cannot identify IGN2 or perhaps it does not exist? in Aspens

1...As mentioned, convert to the later Jeep style starter relay with the extra terminal. That extra terminal "acts" like IGN2
2...You can parallel the coil of a Bosch auto relay to the starter relay coil, and use that relay to provide the IGN2 function
3...You can use a large diode, AKA about 5A at 25 or more PIV from the yellow start wire to "act" like the ign2. Other end of the diode goes to coil + (if ballast) or jumper to IGN1 (if no ballast) The "bar" end of the diode goes to the coil + or in other words, "away" from the relay