When is it whining?

I put a deposit down on a rebuilt 833 just over a year ago, from a known fine and upstanding 833 rebuilder. At the time, lead time was said to be 6-9 months.


In October I asked about it, was told, 'First of the year.'


In April I asked about it, was told, 'In a couple of weeks.'

It is six weeks later and I have heard nothing.

This is NOT a whine...just a question. I understand that 'things happen' and timing of future plans doesn't always work out. Still, I am beginning to wonder a bit. Am I being shuffled to the back of the line JUST BECAUSE I am not pushing a screaming meemie fit about it? Such fussing seems not only untoward, but highly likely to get one in trouble. I would love to know, of the last rebuild shipped, what THAT deposit date was.

So...some general input would be appreciated. Simply sit and wait...with mouth shut? Call every <X-and-so-interval> to ask about it?

Tell me I'm being unreasonable, my panties are bunched too tight, whatever the proverbial 'you' thinks is appropriate. I will appreciate it.

OK. You are NOT whining. But you have to take charge of the situation. Go to the shop and demand to get your and your transmission back. Threaten them with small claims court if you have to. They should back off on that. From what you have said, they know they will lose. Then contact Brewer's. They are awesome. You will NEVER hear anybody complain about them. I have worked with them.