When is it whining?

the frustration is understandable. and while the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, it may come at a cost of sloppy work or cutting corners here.

while i don't think you're to the point of: "let's take this to court"; i do think that you need to escalate it. i would start with a phone call, and let them know in very clear terms how displeased you are with the process and how you've been treated. let them know that you want them to do the work, you've paid a considerable amount of money for them to do just that and you would like to work toward a resolution.

but know going into that, a resolution may be anything from them returning your deposit, giving you the shine and saying it'll been ready in two weeks from next tuesday, or straight up telling you to pound sand and they'll get to it when they get to it and if you don't like it take 'em to court.

i'd see how they react to a phone call laying out your grievances before making the next move. but be 100% straight up on the call: i'm not happy about this, i think you're taking advantage of me and it doesn't make me feel good. let's figure some way to work this out together. their answer will tell you everything you need to know.