When is it whining?

the frustration is understandable. and while the squeaky wheel usually gets the grease, it may come at a cost of sloppy work or cutting corners here.

but know going into that, a resolution may be anything from them returning your deposit, giving you the shine and saying it'll been ready in two weeks from next tuesday, or straight up telling you to pound sand and they'll get to it when they get to it and if you don't like it take 'em to court.

I understand such a 'resolution' is certainly a possibility. I would prefer to avoid that.

Yes, that does beg the question,

'Why did you ask for advice.'

Yep. Got that.

How long are you willing to wait?

THAT is part of asking the question.

I could send 'em a link to this thread. ;)

Thanks for the points of view.