Where can I buy a reliable remanufactured 318 for 1971 Duster?

Yes we did. He was a legend for sure. But he was slipping badly mentally. I don't know if it was dementia or what, but I personally know of two people that he totally ripped off with parts and labor, whether it was intentional or not. A shame really, because when he was on his game, he was the best of the best.
Could be, having worked in memory care facilities, I know people have both their good and bad days and sometimesa mental declines are not readily apparent.
I had seen Dan a few months before he passed, and he seemed sharp and honest that day. He talked me out of doing some machine work on a block that I had money and block in hand, and had just driven 4 hours to get to his shop.
He could have easily have taken the money and I would have been glad to have given it, if not for his sage advice and honesty that day.