When is it whining?

Have you asked WHY it’s not done?

If they are waiting for parts it may be out of their hands.

Or as someone said above maybe they don’t have a core.

I have not asked. They know it's been over a year. I would prefer they get the idea of better communication all by their own selves. I was told last I asked about it (April of this year) '...cases are done. In process. Couple of weeks'. NOT having a core does NOT seem to be the issue.

Yes. Parts may be an issue. Still, they could volunteer that info. ALSO, I realize that keeping up with maybe dozens or 'lots' of rebuilds via email/phone is work not getting done.

you do have proof of payment I hope !

Of course! It's in one of my crypto wallets somewheres. Or was it Venmo... Maybe Paypal? Did I keep that receipt for the MO I sent? Hhhmmmm....

JK. Yes. I have it. It was a 5% (or so) deposit, NOT prepaid. If the latter, I would indeed be upset.

My largest concern is that something is wrong; that someone got ill or is not doing well for some reason. Maybe it is something personal they don't care to share with people in general. THAT would be bad....and not a hurt I want to stick a poker into. This particular event seems well outside anything considering 'normal' for them from what I think I know of them.

A 'fer instance: Jamie Passon is an 833-guy I've heard a lot of good things about. He may well be sorry he ever stepped into his 855 idea. His website says 'no stock' for 'em. I've certainly read more than a couple of nightmare stories about that trans and Passon's dealing with 'em.

No. My issue has nothing to do with Passon. I'm saying, 'Excrement happens.'