Searching for 12v switched power after ditching ballast and installing aftermarket electronic ignition
Im trying to locate a proper wiring diagram for the ignition switch for 1977 as I only have one for 1976, and I know the ignition switch and starter relay changed in 1977. The reason it may SEEM I am overcomplicating this is because IGN1 (the blue wire) is ran just as mentioned here, and also as per my wiring diagram for 1976 (and I imagine into the later years as well). IGN 2 however is not something I have been able to locate, atleast according to the help here and my 1976 manual- The brown wire itself that even in the 1976 diagram is shown going right from the switch to the ballast, actually does not exist on the 1977 harness...Instead, the brown wires that are joined going to the 0.5OHMS side of the ballast split to the positive side of the coil (as it should per diagram) and the other traces back to the "BAL" side of the starter relay...Hence, this is why I am trying to find a 1977 schematic (so far with no luck) as I am wondering if in 77 the yellow ignition wire energizes the starter relay at "I" and then powers the brown wire at "BAL" which travels to the ballast resistor and joins the coil wire. IF that is the case, then I can join the IGN1 blue wire to this brown wire, but if not, I am pi$$ing in the wind.
Below is a picture from my 1976 electrical service manual, but on my harness, ignition 2 does not do a straight run to the ballast, hence why I am trying to find a schematic for the starter circuit for 1977