Does this prove David Vizard's 128 lsa formula ?

Okay a tight lobe sep may bring more power on a race car but not everyone has a race car.
Some of us like to drive our cars on the street and be able to live with them everyday!
Back in the seventies I had an Aussie Valiant Charger with a 340 six pak and four speed manual.
It would do 13.5 sec qtrs all day long and got down to a 13.1 with slicks. You remember Bewy as I raced you plenty of times.
Well that car was a really civilised car on the street , would pull down below 1000 rpm in top gear and just pull away with no fuss and rev to 7500rpm easily.
It had a mopar performance 292/510 cam in it and I loved it!
Thirty years later when I built my 410 I decided to go for the 292/510 cam again.
I hated it as it would buck and jump at low revs and didn,t really smooth out until about 1600 rpm.
Now what was the difference? The old one was on a 114 lobe sep and the new one you could only get in a 106 l/sep.
I now have a custom hyd roller designed by Mike at B3 and is a 242 @ 50 with 610 lift on a 112 l/sep and it revs hard and has done a low even sec qtr @ 120 mph and is a total dream to drive. It does not jump and buck and idles with a noticable lope but performs very smooth and has even got 23mpg on a recent trip.
Not everyone is after the last bit of HP but with a wider l/sep you can have a much better behaved street cruiser!