muriatic acid, OK for carb soaking?

10:1 Walmart "Klean strip" (2% final acid concentration) for the win! 10 minute soak followed by a dunk in 1/4 cup washing soda in a 1/2 gallon water neutralizer bath and then fresh water rinse. Follow up all unplated steel with WD-40 as they will flash rust. This was a 1973 Pinto Aluminum Weber design carb body that was heavily oxidized as weathered aluminum gets and was full of gas varnish. The copper mineral traces in the bowl won't come out even with a scraper. This is proof that it can be used to clean a carb safely at a SAFE CONCENTRATION.

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This is what I meant when I said it works if you use it correctly, and that it works on some materials and not others.
