Torque converter bolts?..

I used a 5/8" collet and had a back stop inside the collet. That way I could shove the bolt head in and close the collet with repeatability every time.

Touched off the parting tool at the end of the bolt and set X zero. Backed the carriage out and stepped over .118" for the parting tool and another .190" for the length reduction.

Sad part was I had cut them off with the intention of using the .065" washers that came with them under the bolt heads, but that ended up not working out clearance wise.

I could of used them without cutting them again, but it bothered me, so I just cut another .075" off.

Gotcha! So the collect clamped on the head then? I would think be unstable. Or did the backstop stay in the collet keeping it firm while being cut? Unless I'm not thinking about it correctly. As a disclaimer - I'm a total lathe newbie and am always interested in learning ways to use a lathe.