Wheel lug hack.

I hate trying to get the wheel to line up to the lugs. The biggest offender is these thick azz mags and short azz wheel lugs.

Ive tried putting the trouble light on the ground behind the wheel to shed some light on the subject and that works pretty good.

My latest is putting white paint pen on the tip of wheel lug so i can get a birds veiw through the wheel lug hole.

The deal is it always bugged me. I put 3" studs on the hot rod, but it's so unnecessary for dailys. AND...as i get older I'm trying to streamline the process to make the time on my knees lower.

Also, the obvious having the vehicle at the perfect height to just roll it into place is a pro move. BUT..... when rotating tires, the odds that the jack stand end of the vehicle ain't gonna be perfect.

Just sharing.

Hack rant over.

Put it on my tab.

Feel free to share your wheel mounting woes and how you solved them.

Andre is healing nicely. Im sure you all were concerned

